Komodo’s Clues: How to Increase Social Media Engagement

Since 2017, Komodo have been an exciting, successful campaigns completed in partnership with loads of fascinating brands. Though, once a campaign is done, or even while it’s ongoing, you still need to know how to increase social media engagement. After all, ads and campaigns are ultimately designed to draw interest and attention towards you and what you’re offering your customers. Therefore, if those customers don’t engage with you, even an exceptional campaign will only get you so far. Influencers, who are their own brands, could use these tips as well. The term ‘social media engagement’ includes most of the ways content can be interacted with. Generally speaking, anything that involves clicking on, commenting under, or interacting with a post is considered ‘engagement’. Although, Facebook gives an example of how this can vary. It measures engagement with video posts by 3-second plays, while Twitter uses a more complicated metric called Video Completion. Basically, by calculating ‘the total number of complete views divided by the total number of video starts’, Twitter determines what percentage of viewers have watched a video through to the end. This is just one case, meaning it pays to research your target platform’s own metrics. Then, you’ll be able to ask important questions. Is your video content bound for Facebook or Twitter? Both? What might you need to change, depending on the platform? To effectively gain engagement, you have to know how much engagement you already get. For this, you need analytics. Many platforms, including Twitter, offer their own analytics, but there are slews of tools and services to choose from. Whatever you choose, you need to understand what you’re doing right and wrong. Then, when you know where you’re starting, you can decide where you want to go. When setting goals for your engagement, always remember to set specific benchmarks for each platform, as well as targets specific to not only each type of post, but also to your page itself. After all, Facebook uses separate metrics for page engagement alongside post engagement. So, what really causes an audience to engage with a post? What kinds of posts do users find most appealing? Naturally, this depends on target audiences, platforms, and so on. However, data gathered by surveys like the Sprout Social Index shows that average engagement rates even vary from industry to industry. For instance, in 2020, Sprout found that while media and entertainment pages had the highest average engagement rates per day, consumer goods had the highest average engagement per post. Therefore, when it comes to setting goals for your business, only pay attention to businesses who target the same industry and audience as you. After all, as useful as comparison can be, it’s also the thief of joy. Surveys like Sprout’s can provide more universally useful information, such as the reminder that 68% of consumers prefer visual content, particularly image-based posts. Contrastingly, video posts only get a 50% approval rate – do users find them less convenient? This question could inspire a lesson for your brand: only devote resources to video content if you’re sure your target audience will appreciate it and engage with it. This leads us to the final component needed to increase social media engagement: you! No strategy will be complete without incorporating the appeal of your own brand. Be it with FOMO, humour, or pure style, any worthwhile plan will consider how to magnify and expand upon your own qualities as much as possible. If engagement is what you or your business need, we’d strongly advise you to consider Komodo. Alongside our creditable chronicle of consistently commendable content creation, we can offer strong, sound, and sensible strategy and management for your socials. Don’t worry, alliteration is always optional.

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